Ghost Mannequin
Ghost Mannequin - Clipping Images Ghost Mannequin - Clipping Images

Ghost Mannequin

Expertise Ghost Mannequin service plays a crucial role in highlighting every single part of the product image to draw customers' focus. Your clothing product items will get the perfect visual appearance that will increase the conversion rate. We ensure the most professional and high-quality ghost mannequin photography editing services specifically for online apparel businesses, e-commerce, publication, or advertising agencies.

The Ultra Tech high-class ghost mannequin service potentially allows you to show clothing items in a realistic look. We optimize the product images for final upload in online stores through classical ghost mannequin effects with full satisfaction.

Why Ghost Mannequin Photography Service is Crucial

Ghost mannequin service works outstanding for making a product image complete, attractive, and convincing to customers. It helps to show exactly how the clothing piece will fit while closely matching the actual fabric and hue. The ghost mannequin editing process simply instills a lifelike appeal in product photo editing by keeping your customers hooked. Most importantly, this service professionally enhances the color of your clothing accessories making them more noticeable, and visually appealing.

This service will provide you with tremendous benefits in the following ways:

  • Enhances product appearance.
  • Achieves clarity and transparency.
  • Gives customers a better product understanding.
  • Maintains a consistent and uniform look.
  • Increases conversion rate.
  • Dismisses post-production complexities.
  • Saves overall costs

Professional Ghost Mannequin Services We Offer

Different apparel product categories and parts of a product require specific dedicated ghost mannequin effects. So we go deeper into Neck Joint, Bottom Joint, and Sleeve Joint or 3D mannequin fashion photography types of services to ensure every single part of professional editing.

3D/360° Ghost Mannequin Effects Starts from $2.99

We professionally transform still or dynamic clothing product images into 3D or 360° ghost mannequin effects to display on e-commerce websites. We remove the mannequin from an image in such a way that still looks like someone is wearing that dress. Also, we efficiently provide services like ghost mannequins for e-commerce products that attract your customers. So the dress in fact appears like a 3D object rather than a regular 2D image.

We add separate joints in the product picture that make the image more realistic. Our high-class 360° mannequin editing gives images more eye-catching and increases sales.

Neck Joint on Ghost Mannequin Starts from $1.99

We provide high-quality invisible mannequin photography neck joint services for online clothing stores, e-commerce sites, fashion houses, garments apparel, photographers, advertising agencies, newspapers, and printing presses.

Removing the mannequin from a dress creates an empty area at the back of the neckline. Therefore, we create a full shape of the neckline joining the back of the neckline with the front part and producing a neck joint effect.

Our neck joint service adds the back neck after separating the mannequin. The back part stays behind the mannequin when ghost mannequin product image shots are taken with the model. So it requires to be added separately by professional mannequin editing.


Bottom Joint on Ghost Mannequin Starts from $2.49

The bottom joint service means we add the lower part of a dress that will be visible while holding the dress without a mannequin. Similar to the neck joint on a ghost mannequin, we join the bottom area of a dress regardless of the length. 

When professional photographers take shots of a dress with a mannequin, it’s normal that the back part of the dress will be hidden behind the mannequin. So, we reveal the back part while removing the mannequin for a perfect visual presentation.

Sleeves Joint on Ghost Mannequin Starts from $2.99

If you sell clothing items that have sleeves but are not in the right position, you can rely on us. We fix the joint sleeve issues successfully. We create a natural look ghost effect by removing the mannequin from the hollow part of the sleeves. The long sleeve shirts, T-shirts, jackets, etc. need hollow effects to make a 3D shape. Our experienced editors remove the mannequin and fill up the empty place joining sleeves. 

We eliminate the mannequin from the empty area of the sleeves and generate a ghost effect.

Our Unique Ghost Mannequin Service Features

Our professional ghost mannequin clothing photography service offers the best quality features to transform your images into stunning ones. The most experienced and skillful editors ensure fully optimized e-commerce mannequin effects within a short turnaround. We prioritize our customers’ complete satisfaction and support during the editing procedure.

Professional Experience

Our editors have years of professional and practical experience to create ghost mannequin effects overnight with skills and knowledge. A professional approach makes sure every picture comes out in the most appealing look to boost your business.

Best Quality

We ensure the highest quality in creating ghost mannequin effects. Our mannequin quality experts follow a standard guideline to deliver you the best results you need to be standout in the industry.


We are committed to bringing the utmost mannequin effects with dedication and hard work. Moreover, following the specific timetable is one of our prime concerns.

Cost-Effective Service

You will get budget-friendly services that will help to succeed in your business in the long run. We do not compromise on quality offering cost-effective service.

Quick Delivery

Usually, we deliver high-quality results within 24 hours. In the context of a large number of mannequin effects, we follow the preset timeline set by our customers.

Live Customer Support

You will get our customer support around the clock. We provide live support 24/7.

Working Process

Our customers need to follow a 4 steps simple working process.

  • Open a customer account giving an email address.
  • Upload product photos and ask for the service price.
  • Check your email and confirm the quote so we can start working.
  • Make sure payments and download professionally edited mannequin results. We will send you an email immediately once the service is complete and ready to go.